Do you take time to reflect on your coaching practise? Without a reflective framework the coach cannot ensure continual re-evaluation of his/her work. Reflective practice demands the coach to examine their own behaviour honestly, reminding them to act responsibly in their actions. Reflective evaluation highlights areas where the population, for example, children, have a great social need besides their particular sport. When designing training sessions it is important to consider the childhood of that child. Extreme training sessions may ruin their childhood.
Technical Level
How can I make sure all athletes hear me?
What resources could I utilize to improve the teaching of this task?
Did I achieve the goals I set for this session?
How can I fix this problem?
What part of the training could I change so that it finished on time?
Practical Level
What other ways can I get my message across?
How does my behaviour reinforce stereotypes?
What effect does each type of feedback have on what athletes learn?
What am I doing as a coach to include all learning media?
Critical level
What do I do about those practices that are inequitable or unjust but are part of the team or club traditions?
Why is there a difference between the type of feedback I give to the more skilled and less skilled members of the team?
The importance of reflective coaching is not just about finding and defining the problem, most people can do that. Organising, planning and acting upon it are essential also. There must also be re-evaluation to see if it has solved the problem and continual evaluation resumed.
Adapted from Department of Education for Northern Ireland (1999) cited by Pollard (2002) this mission statement sums up the truth of the reflective coach: ‘‘At the heart of becoming a good teacher is, above all else, being a learner-a lifelong learner. To learn one has to ask questions of oneself…’’
Pollard, A. (2002). Reflective Teaching: Effective and Evidence-informed Professional Practice. Continuum
Van Manen, M. (1977). Linking ways of knowing with ways of being practical. Curriculum Inquiry, 6, 205-228.